No Entry or Apparel refunds will be processed after entries close at 5pm on 24 October.
You are NOT allowed to sell your entry to someone else. If you do the entry will be null and void.
Proof of ID will be required at registration.
Entry fees do not include any apparel. Event apparel can be ordered and paid for at time of entry.
GENERAL Race Rules
All entrants will have a timing chip on their Sani Stagger Race number which must not be covered / pinned through.
Minimum age limits are 16 years for the 21.1km and 20 years for the 42.2km
Minimum age limits are 16 years for the Stagger Trail 21km and 18 years for the Stagger Trail 38km
All entrants are to PERSONALLY collect their registration numbers, timing chips at registration venue, the Underberg Country Club
Registration packs will not be handed over to any third party. Registration packs are for athletes who have come to registration ONLY. Anyone withdrawing from the race and does NOT intend running will NOT receive the registration pack. We remind you that entries are neither refundable NOR transferable.
All entrants participate at their own risk and organisers and sponsors will not be responsible for any loss or injury incurred during or as a result of the race. The organisers and sponsors will not be responsible for any property lost or damaged on the course or in the changing area.
The event provides medical support for all runners. Should a runner require additional medical support, over and above that provided by the event, this will be for the runner’s personal expense.
All medical / paramedic costs are for the entrants own account. The organisers will not pay these nor be responsible for the costs. All entrants will be personally required to sign an indemnity at registration. These may not be signed by a 3rd party.
Well stocked aid stations, with nutrition and hydration, will be provided along the 21.1km and 42.2km routes at an approximate interval of 3km.
Aid stations for the Stagger Trail runs are located as described on the website and route profile.
No seconding whatsoever is permitted and you may be disqualified.
This is a World Heritage Site and no littering will be tolerated. Rubbish bins are provided at the aid stations and please make use of them. No disposal of litter between aid stations will be permitted. IF YOU LITTER, YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED.
All finishers in all events will receive a medal.
Lunches, light snacks and drinks will be on sale at the Premier Resort Sani Pass. You are NOT allowed to bring your own food and drinks into the hotel grounds.
There will be no refund of entry fee nor any other costs should the race have to be cancelled for any reason beyond the organisers control e.g. severe weather conditions.